Weekly Roundup

This week's roundup delves into the significance of financial inclusion and the defining challenge of income inequality in thriving US cities. Also, Grameen America Board Chair Muhammad Yunus becomes this year's recipient of the Lotus Leadership Award.

  • In December 2013, President Obama gave a speech on economic mobility, in which he called income inequality and the lack of upward mobility “the defining challenge of our time." A study released yesterday by the Brookings Institution found that income inequality is significantly higher in economically vibrant cities like New York and San Francisco than in cities like Columbus, Ohio and Wichita, Kansas. Read the full study here.
  • In recognition of Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus' efforts to eliminate income inequality and improve the lives of women around the world, the Asia Foundation has honored him as this year's recipient of the Lotus Leadership Award. The award is presented each year to outstanding individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to the well-being of women and their communities. Check out the announcement here.
Grameen America members selling jewelry at a holiday market

Grameen America members selling jewelry at a holiday market