Institutional Partners


Featured Partner


Blue Meridian Partners

Through a pioneering philanthropic model for finding and funding scalable solutions, Blue Meridian Partners seeks to transform the life trajectories of young people and families in poverty.  In 2023, we partnered with Blue Meridian to create a bold new 5-year scaling plan to expand Grameen America’s network across the U.S, deepen our impact for the women we serve, and help shape the larger systems that affect the communities we reach. Blue Meridian has made a transformative, catalytic investment to seed our Women Are Limitless Campaign to support the implementation of the plan.

Our partnership began in 2021 with a significant investment from The Studio @ Blue Meridian to launch Grameen America’s Elevating Black Women Entrepreneurs initiative.



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Austin Community Foundation

Brooklyn Community Foundation

Fairfield County’s Community Foundation

Friedman Family Foundation

Grameen Research

Hispanic Impact Fund at Austin Community Foundation

Hyde and Watson Foundation

Institute for Family Health 

Koonce Family Foundation 

Long Beach Community Foundation

New York Community Trust

Ram and Lakshmi Sundaram Foundation 

Tableau Foundation

The Carlo & Micol Schejola Foundation

The International Alliance of Women

The Miami Foundation

United Way of Greater Carolina