In The Field: Ursula’s Story

Grameen America branch managers are so much more than simply loan officers – they are cheerleaders to thousands of inspiring, hardworking women each day.

To celebrate our Invest In Her campaign, Grameen America is excited to share Ursula’s story. As manager of our Charlotte, North Carolina branch, Ursula has the tough job of running one of our fastest growing branches. Under her leadership, Grameen America has invested over $15.6 million into Charlotte’s growing community of women entrepreneurs. The ripple effect of these investments can be seen throughout the community through job creation and true revitalization.

With Grameen America, Ursula says she found the perfect match. Originally from Peru, she tells stories of growing up surrounded by poverty. To help break this cycle and make a difference, she knew she wanted to work for an organization that invested in women. Ursula’s favorite part of her job is the front-row seat she has to thousands of life-changing transformations each and every day for the nearly 3,500 women she serves in Charlotte. 

To support the work our branch managers are doing around the country, donate to Grameen America today.

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